How to Install Mods for Diablo 2 Resurrected

  • Post published:October 10, 2021
  • Post last modified:February 14, 2025
  • Post category:Diablo / Guides
  • Reading time:65 mins read

Last updated date: February 14, 2025

The modding community is actively creating new mods for the remastered version of Diablo, and in this detailed guide, I will describe step by step how to install mods for Diablo 2 Resurrected (PC).

This guide covers creating, merging and exporting MPQ mods manually (for advanced users), and installing mods with one click by using D2R Mod Manager (for regular users).

If you encounter a problem, be sure to check the Troubleshooting section below. You can also watch my video guides at the end of this page.

Where to find Mods?

Most of the mods for different games are published on the popular website NexusMods which can be found here. ModDB is another alternative for modding the game. Consider checking both if you want to find something suitable for your needs.

There are not many mods for Diablo 2 at this moment yet because of the recent release, but you can certainly find something interesting there for a comfortable single-player (offline) experience. Due to the engine and the file system, most of the mods include only Quality of Life changes, or some basic UI changes, so don’t expect to see new classes, zones, enemies or items for now.

For Top 5 list of mods, you can check out my video on YouTube channel or read this article – Top 5 Mods for Diablo 2 Resurrected.

💡Unfortunately, Multiplayer modding for official blizzard servers is not possible for technical and safety reasons. Play Online with modded client AT YOUR OWN RISK

Installation steps

For this guide, I’ll install Better SP Mod by Karla for Diablo 2 Resurrected which provides many changes to the original game such as higher density, larger stash and cube space, no XP Penalty on high levels, new recipes, and more.

The instructions below require manual editing, as most of the popular mods are still utilizing an old MPQ file system with JSON files. Alternatively, you can now use the Mod Manager program (released in February 2022) which takes a different approach to modding. Jump to detailed instructions below.

Most of the mods improve Solo experience or add new textures
  1. To download any mod from you have to create a new account
  2. Press Manual Download and the file will be downloaded to your computer
Download page
  1. Now head to Blizzard Launcher, click next to Play button on the cog and Show in Explorer
  2. Inside Diablo 2 Folder create a new Folder and name it Mods
  3. After that, you can unzip the recently downloaded file to the Mods folder
  4. Better SP Mod has 2 files, one is the Instructions document and the other is MPQ mod. Inside the Mods folder, we should now manually create a new folder for this specific mod and name it Karla, then place all unzipped files there. (Detailed instructions can be found in txt file next to the mod file or on Nexus page).
  5. A) The final step is to create a shortcut to launch the game with this mod. To do that, create a new Shortcut from D2R.exe file. Then head to Shortcut properties and edit Target Field by adding new command argument -mod karla as shown in the image below.

This shortcut will be used to launch the modded game and play in a Singleplayer. If you want to play original game (without mods) you can simply use Blizzard launcher and hit Play button instead of that shortcut.

  1. B) Alternatively, instead of creating shortcuts or playing the original game, you can add new command argument right in the Blizzard Launcher.

8b. Navigate to Game Settings, Check Additional command-line arguments and type -mod karla

Add new argument in Blizzard Launcher for D2R

9b. This mod can now be launched by using Play button in Blizzard Launcher.


If a mod, INSTEAD of a single packed MPQ File (i.e. /mods/karla/karla.mpq) contains a folder_name.mpq with extra files inside like modinfo.json and /data, then you must add extra command -txt after the mod name in the shortcut or Blizzard launcher as shown below:

Example Karla (betterSP) mod line: "*\D2R.exe" -mod karla -txt

New Automatic Method (Mod Manager)

There is a new tool called Diablo 2 Resurrected Mod Manager (or simply D2RMM) developed and published by Olegbl which simplifies the process of installing mods for your game. This tool is especially handy if you are not into manual modding or don’t have much time to dive deep into this process.

Basically, you can drag and drop your preferable mods to this manager, and it will then merge them together as one mod, and you will be able to launch Diablo 2 Resurrected without doing some extra steps like creating a shortcut or creating additional folders – This manager does all these steps for you!

But don’t get too excited just yet, because this Mod manager runs on JavaScript and uses a different mod format to compile all the mods into one. While this tool works flawlessly with simple mods like UI changes, drop rate tweaks or mobs density, it cannot work with large mods that are adding new zones, textures or models.

And for this reason, D2RMM is not compatible with the large QoL mods like BetterSP or Zander which use a regular MPQ format. If that’s OK for you, then here are the steps you need to follow to use D2RMM and play with mods:

  1. Download D2RMM tool from (You will need to use manual download. The file size is ~80MB)
  2. Extract this manager to any desired place (preferably Diablo 2 Resurrected folder)
  3. Launch the app by clicking D2RMM.exe file
  4. Go to Settings tab and specify the location of the installed Diablo 2 Resurrected client
  5. To find the list of compatible mods for this manager, expand the Requirements tab on Nexusmods Manager page from the first step and download them to your computer.
  6. Extract desired mods into Mod Manager folder (E.g. /Diablo 2 Resurrected/D2RMM/mods/…)
  7. Inside the Manager, click Refresh Mod list, and it will auto-detect the mods you wish to install and play.
  8. Make sure the mods are Checked, then click Install mods. Depending on how many mods you wish to install, it can take some time to merge all the mods.
  9. After that, You can hit Run D2R button inside the Mod Manager and play.

If you want to launch the game via shortcut, create one and type this line inside the Target field after brackets:

-mod -D2RMM -txt

For launcher, you will need to add this line in the settings. Refer to 7-9 Steps here.

Video guides

Single MPQ Modding

Merging Multiple MPQ Mods

Merging with Mod Manager (One-click method)

FAQ – Troubleshooting

Can you launch several mods at once?

My Mod doesn’t work

I have only one txt file. Where should I place it?

My modinfo.json file is missing. Where can I find one?

Is it safe to play modded game Offline/Online?

Can I use Cheats while playing modded/offline game?

How to uninstall a Mod?

Can I play Diablo 2 Resurrected with mods on my handheld PC-console?

Can I use these mods on Alpha/Beta version of D2R?

I am using D2RMM, but the list of mods is empty

D2RMM is getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘rows’)

D2RMM returns me an error: API.openStorage:Failed to open CASC Storage…

D2RMM returns me an error: BridgeAPI.extractFile: CASC storage…

My D2RMM mods stopped working after a recent update

Can I use custom texture mods with D2RMM?

My Shortcut target field is grayed out

How to respec my characters with mods?

Where to find Modded Character Savefiles?

Can I import character saves from other mods?

Can I transfer my D2R Online character to an Offline mod?

Can I apply mods on the console version? (Playstation, Xbox)

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