Have you ever wanted to play Todd Howard’s greatest creation – Skyrim in co-op? More than 10 years after the initial release, it is finally happening. Unfortunately, the developers never planned Multiplayer for a game like The Elder Scrolls, but here come the modders who saved the day and released the Multiplayer mod called Skyrim Together Reborn. Credits to The Together Team.

Start your Co-op adventure here
In this guide, I will give you exact steps on how to install and play this mod, as well as give you some answers in case you will face any difficulties. (Don’t worry, if you haven’t found an answer to your question, the troubleshooting section will be updated after a while).
In case you want to see my experience with this mod after finishing it in 200 hours, feel free to check my review here or check the video below.
Installation steps
💡Before we start, make sure that you have a legit copy of Skyrim Special Edition on Steam (PC Only). You must use at least version 1.6 to make this work. Anniversary Upgrade doesn’t support this mod, just yet.
- Once you obtain a copy of Skyrim Special Edition, it’s time to download Vortex Mod manager, which can be found here.
- Now you need to download the Coop mod from the NexusMods page. The file size is ~100 MB.
- You will also need to download an external plugin Address Library for SKSE Plugins from this page. If you are using the latest version of Skyrim (Special or Anniversary Edition) make sure to download All in one (Anniversary Edition) package.
- After you downloaded Vortex, Skyrim Together Mod and All in one Address Library, start installing Vortex Mod Manager. It will automatically unzip to your system C: location.

- Inside Vortex manager, go to Games tab, find Skyrim Special Edition from the Unmanaged list and click Manage.

- Now go to Mods tab and drag and drop the All-in-one (Anniversary Edition) zip archive into the Drop Files window. Vortex will automatically install and enable this plugin for you.

- Same as before, drag and drop Skyrim Together Reborn zip archive into the Drop Files window and wait for installation. You can find the installed mod in Skyrim folder

- The final step is to create a shortcut for this Multiplayer mod via Vortex. Go to Dashboard tab, Click Add tool next to Skyrim Special Edition icon, and click Add…

- In this window, you need to target launcher to Skyrim Together, which is located in Skyrim folder
and choose SkyrimTogether.exe file. - The new shortcut will now appear in Vortex. Click on this shortcut, and Vortex manager will also ask you to target the original installed Skyrim Special edition. Go inside that installed folder and select SkyrimSE.exe
- The game will now launch with 2 installed mods – Address Library and Skyrim together. You can now start the new game or continue from your save file.
💡Before you play with your friends or join other game sessions, ensure you have completed Intro sequence, customized your character, and escaped Helgen!

After Helgen, you or your friend can now play together. By pressing Right CTRL inside the game, you can open multiplayer chat and see two options – Connect and Settings. This is how other players like you will be able to join other players. But for now, let’s create our own server.
Creating and Launching server
Now it is time to actually host the game and let others join your world.
- For this, we simply need to navigate to Skyrim folder /Data/SkyrimTogetherReborn/ and launch SkyrimTogetherServer.exe file

- This will initialize our local server with the save file. Make sure to grant access to this file before continuing.
- Now go to /SkyrimTogetherReborn/config/ folder and open STServer.ini with any text editor. Inside this file you will find important settings for your server. You can customize ServerName, add Password, EnablePvp, or change Difficulty. Detailed values can be found here. Official Detailed guide.
If you are unsure of what you are doing, you can let other players create their own server, or play on public servers. The developers of this mod recommend using this test server Playtogether.gg here.
Joining server
- Open your chat by pressing Right CTRL and click Connect.
- Inside Connect window, enter your or Friend’s IP address. You can find your IP (IPv4) with this website called myip.com.
- Enter this IPv4 IP into Address field and add the port 10578: E.g.
- Enter the password for your or Friend’s game. If there is no password, leave it blank.

If you or your friends were unable to connect to a server, then proceed to Troubleshooting section below.
- Once you are connected to the server, the chat will inform you, that you have successfully connected to the server. This will now also open more options in chat – Disconnect, and Player Manager. (Use right CTRL key to open chat window).
- If you wish to play with your friends and complete quests, you will need to create a party with Player manager.
- Go to Party Menu inside Player manager and hit Launch Party. After that, change your tab to Player list, and invite someone to your group. This action will make you the party leader, and only you/the leader will be able to interact with quest NPCs and update quest status.
Video Guide by The Together Team
Mod review after 200+ Hours
This section will be updated if new solutions are found. If you haven’t found an answer to your question, please contact me directly and I’ll update the guide.
I can’t connect to my/friend’s server
- Make sure, that you have entered the correct IP address and port. e.g.
- If you don’t know your IP, then you can visit whatismyipaddress.com which will show your IPv4 (internet) address. Alternatively, you can find it inside your router dashboard.
- If you still can’t connect, then you or your friend must open the default port 10578 in the Router settings. This is called Virtual servers or Port forwarding for different models of Wi-fi Routers (Asus, TP-Link, Xiaomi). There are plenty of video guides on how to open Ports on different routers. Once the port is opened TCP/UDP, the game should be able to connect to other worlds.
- If the issue persists, I recommend setting up a virtual network using Hamachi or Radmin.
Where can I change server settings?
A configuration file is located in Skyrim/Data/SkyrimTogetherReborn/config/STServer.ini
Can I use console commands / cheats on connected servers?
Yes. You can use any commands as in a single-player game. Just don’t spawn too many enemies to ruin player’s experience 🙂
Skyrim crashes randomly while playing
- Unfortunately, Skyrim Together mod may crash randomly, even if you play without mods. Newer versions have less bugs and crashes.
- It is highly recommended to use manual and quick saves (F5 by default) to save your progress.
My quest objective / item is broken, and I can’t progress the story
- Make sure to enter the game or new location after the host/group leader, or it may break your game progression.
- If you broke the quest, then there are not many ways to fix this issue, but you and your host may try to load previous save file (before it broke) or attempt to progress the quest by using console commands such as: Update quest stage –
setstage QuestID [stageID]
, give a quest item –player.additem [ID],
teleport to NPC –player.moveto [refID]
, or fly through walls to pass certain puzzles or gates –tcl
Can I play other mods with Skyrim Together?
Playing conversion mods like Enderal is probably not possible. As for the less complex mods, it can be done by using Vortex manager. UI and Graphics Mods should work fine, as the developers stated, they do not require server sync.
Should I launch Skyrim from Steam or Vortex? I want to count my hours on Steam
You must launch Skyrim from Vortex manager using the specified shortcut. Steam will autodetect the game and consider it as Launched.
How can I create a group to play together?
When you are connected to a server, open your chat with right CTRL and select Player manager. Then choose party menu and launch Party. You will manually need to invite your friends from player list window.
Skyrim Achievements are disabled because my game is “modded”. Can I re-enable achievements?
Yes. I recommend you use Achievements Mods Enabler from Nexusmods. It is a simple drag-and-drop mod for Vortex which will reactivate all achievements for Skyrim.
The difficulty level is too high. How can I change it?
- Open STServer.ini with any text editor and change the value for
(0=Novice, 1=Apprentice, 2=Adept, 3=Expert, 4=Master, 5=Legendary. - Once you changed your difficulty in the config file, you can check the currently set difficulty inside the game in gameplay settings.
- If you play on a public server, you can check the set difficulty in gameplay settings (while connected). However, you can’t change it from the game, but you can connect to a different server that has different settings.
How to stop my server?
Enter this command in the Server command prompt window /quit.
My dedicated server returns the error: Server could not reach the server list!
- SkyrimTogether’s Realm is probably down. Try again later.
- Try to reload your internet connection, i.e. reset your router.
Does Skyrim Together Server support plugins or Web map? (similar to Minecraft servers)
No, its functionality is very limited at this moment.
I can’t see the list of servers / it is empty / not loading
There is a high chance that the authentication servers are down or in maintenance mode, and some players may not be able to find any servers at that moment.
Can I use Virtual Network to play Online?
Yes. You can use Hamachi, Radmin or other software to emulate local network and connect to each other. Just remember to use the right IP to connect to a server (from your virtual network).
Where can I find my Skyrim game version?
Find SkyrimSE.exe file in the main Skyrim directory and right click – Properties/Details. The product version will be listed there.
My game is not loading at start up. What should I do?
Make sure to download the latest versions of all the mods. They also must be enabled in the Vortex manager. Newer versions of Skyrim may break certain mods, and you may encounter incompatibility issues.
Can I play on Public servers instead of creating my own server?
Yes. You can choose any available servers and connect to them. Your progression will not be altered. Just keep in mind that, you won’t be able to change difficulty settings or prevent other players from joining your session.
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