Last updated date: September 24, 2022
This is my own Necromancer Blood nova guide, originally created in 2019 as part of season 16. I do NOT Copy-paste or Steal other guides from D3 community. I came up with this build on my own. I am pretty sure that someone might have already known about this possible combination of items and skills to create this build described below, but I would personally like to make it public and also provide a detailed Video guide for you.
This build is designed mostly for Bounty runs and Rift runs only. Of course, you can use it for Greater rifts, but do not expect it to annihilate everything on its way.
Two build versions (LoN & LoD) are still playable for T13-T16 farming Rifts and low Greater rifts prior to the patch 2.7.4 (Season 27+). I personally recommend you to use LoD Version since it grants much more dmg and toughness output from a single legendary gem than the regular Legacy of Nightmares rings.
LoN Version (Outdated 2019 version)

D3Planner Build page (outdated) –
Skills and Passives
Command Golem – Flesh Golem – Used for more corpses and HP regeneration. If you are going to use Golemskin pants, this skill will grant you extra toughness while the Golem is alive. Also, your golem will shed a corpse each second if you have Moribund Gloves equipped.
Death Nova – Blood Nova – Physical damage rune to maximize the DMG. Physical element rolls and Death nova rolls on gear are required to maximize efficiency.
Devour – Cannibalize – Used to restore some HP and Essence for Blood nova ability
Blood Rush – Potency – More armor and mobility. Synergizes with Steaurt’s Greaves boots. You can use any rune you like, if you feel like you have enough armor.
Frailty – Aura of Frailty – Enemies are auto pulled around you with Brigg’s Ring and auto killed at low HP.
Bone Armor – Harvest of Anguish – Increased movement speed per enemy hit. This skill synergizes with Lost Time Phylactery and Scythe of the Cycle for DMG boost
Passives – Stand Alone, Final Service, Spreading Malediction, Fueled by Death
Items, Cube and Follower
Cube items – Bloodtide Blade, Requiem Cereplate/Aquilla Cuirass, Brigg’s Wrath

The Screenshot of LoN items is taken from the video below. It has LoN rings equipped and is designed for low paragons.
3 Legendary gems (outdated) – Esoteric, Bane of the Trapped and Bane of the Powerful
Esoteric | Increased toughness against elements. Super useful at low paragons |
Bane of the Trapped | Increases dmg against slowed or stunned enemies around you, especially after the Aura Pull |
Bane of the Powerful | Increases dmg against elites. This gem will help you deal with elites and bosses much faster |

Nemesis bracers can now be placed on your Follower. Reaper’s Wraps Bracers can be equipped on your character to restore essence from Health Globes or Strongarm Bracers to increase Damage for Knock backed enemies by your Aura (Brigg’s Ring)
I personally use Templar for his Healing ability and Extra Death Passive – Guardian
Items for a follower – Oculus ring, Nemesis Bracers, The Flavor of Time.

LoN 2019 Video Guide
LoD Version 2022 Season 27+ Re-Visited
D3Planner Build page –
Skills and Passives

All the skills and passives are mostly the same as described in LoN Section.
Command Golem – Flesh Golem – Used for more corpses and HP regeneration. If you are going to use Golemskin pants, this skill will grant you extra toughness while the Golem is alive. Also, your golem will shed a corpse each second if you have Moribund Gloves equipped. You can also use another rune – Blood Golem which will restore 25% of your hp when sacrificed
Death Nova – Blood Nova – Physical damage rune to maximize the DMG. Physical element rolls and Death nova rolls on gear are required to maximize efficiency.
Devour – Cannibalize – Used to restore some HP and Essence for Blood nova ability or Devour – Devouring Aura for auto consume
Blood Rush – Potency – More armor and mobility. Synergizes with Steaurt’s Greaves boots. You can use any rune you like if you feel like you have enough armor.
Frailty – Aura of Frailty – Enemies are auto pulled around you with Brigg’s Ring and auto killed at low HP.
Bone Armor – Harvest of Anguish – Increased movement speed per enemy hit. This skill synergizes with Lost Time Phylactery and Scythe of the Cycle for DMG boost
Passives – Stand Alone, Final Service, Spreading Malediction, Fueled by Death
Items and Cube
LoD Variation has minor changes – Both LoN Set rings are now gone. Instead, they are replaced with Convention of Elements and Krysbin/Briggs Wrath.
Any amulet can be used here. For ex. Wisdom of Kalan, Flavor of Time, Ess of Johan, Squirt’s Necklace, or even Hellfire Amulet.
3 Legendary gems – Esoteric, Bane of the Trapped and Legacy of the Dreams
Esoteric | Increased toughness against elements. Super useful at low paragons. Can be switched later to Gizzard, Gogok or Bane of the Powerful. |
Bane of the trapped | Increases dmg against slowed or stunned enemies around you, especially after the Aura Pull |
Legacy of the Dreams | This gem is required to make this build work. More dmg and toughness per legendary (ancient) items equipped |

The second slot can be occupied by Aquilla, Golemskin Breeches or Hexing Pants of Yan.
Which Stats are important?
Area damage – At least 90%+ for Death Nova skill only. The more, the better
Death Nova % Skill – In boots and Helm. Possibly in Phylactery too for 30%+ DMG increase
Armor – Rolled in each possible item and Socketed gems if you die a lot.
Physical damage – Rolled in Bracers, Amulet and Helm (IF using Andariel’s Visage)
Crit chance and Crit damage – At least 50% chance and 440% Crit damage
Bonus Globe radius – For Frailty Aura radius pull and increased range of Devour. At least 5+ (from paragon)
Cooldown – Is not important here. Used only for Blood rush and Golem ability.

LoD 2022 Re-Visited S27+ Video Guide
Below is the video of the updated LoD Death Nova Necromancer: